CHECK’s membership is comprised of homeschool support groups in Kansas which are aligned with CHECK’s mission. Individual homeschooling families participate in CHECK by working through their local support groups.
Kansas is fortunate to have two large, regional support groups that annual host major conferences as well as serving their large homeschool populations in their areas. For more information on their conferences, publications and activities, visit their web sites at:
Kansas City’s Mid-west Parent Educators (MPE)
Wichita’s Kansas Home Educators (KSHE, formally TPA)
Below is a list of CHECK-member support groups with on-line information:
North East Kansas
Kansas City
Mid-west Parent Educators
Teaching Effective Academics in Christian Homes
Cornerstone Family School
South East Kansas
Christian Home Educators Fellowship of Pittsburg
North Central Kansas
Christian Homes in Education Fellowship
Smoky Valley Home Educators
South Central Kansas
Great Bend
Golden Belt Home Educators
Reno County Home Educators
Kansas Home Educators (KSHE, formally TPA)
South West Kansas
Garden City
High Plains Home Educators
Membership in CHECK is open to any Kansas support group by making application to the CHECK Board. For further information, see Article V of CHECK’s bylaws and/or contact the Chairman or any Board member. Membership applications are voted on by the existing membership at the next Representatives Meeting.